Sunday, August 17, 2014

Visite  de Moscou
"At the sight of this golden city, this brilliant node of Asia and Europe, this majestic appointment which fused luxury, customs and arts of deus most beautiful parts of the world, We stopped ... "said Philippe de Segur in the nineteenth century. 
Today, Moscow is a city still renowned for its charm and splendor of its unusual facade. 
Only 3h30 from Paris by plane, you will find yourself immersed in one of the largest cities in Europe, which contains wonders breathtaking.
Moscow, a motley city
Moscow between communism and capitalism
Things to see and do in Moscow
  • The Cathedral of the Archangel: was built on Cathedral Square in the early sixteenth century. It is considered the spiritual heart of historic Moscow.Watching from a distance, you will feel it is on two floors, but you soon realize that this is not the case.
  • The Cathedral of the Annunciation is in the Cathedral Square. Previously, only the Tsars could enter. Him were annexed four chapels and gates limestone you see there.
  • The Cathedral of the Dormition: the oldest cathedrals in Moscow. This is where the tsars "said their vows" and were crowned. It is also on the steps of the cathedral, as the Declaration of Independence from Russia was made when Ivan III tore up the Treaty of Moscow submission to the Mongols.
  • On Red Square, you will be impressed by the unmistakable St. Basil, one of the wonders of Russian architecture that was built in 11 years under the orders of Ivan the Terrible's Cathedral.
  • There is also the State Historical Museum: it is decorated in a beautiful Russian style. It is an architectural masterpiece that was built in the late nineteenth century. Address: 1 Place R Red, 109012 Moscow, Russia.
Sightseeing tour in Moscow
Useful Information
Staying in Moscow
Holiday Hotels in Moscow corners to sleep
  • For big budget:
  • For average budget:
  • Small budget (around 15EUR per night):
Kitchen and culinary specialties from Moscow
Identity card
Moscow, capital of the vast Russian territory, and includes all the symbols associated with the turbulent history of this state metropolis, with over 10 million inhabitants is also the nerve center of Russian politics, and has been the twelfth century, with the exception of the Petersburg parenthesis of Peter the Great.
This power is represented by the power of the Kremlin, a fortress in the city alone accounts for many outstanding monuments; all overlooking Red Square, center of the city, which stand the fascinating colorful domes of St. Basil's Cathedral and near the massive mausoleum of Lenin.
Communism and religion orthodox: the contradictory values ​​that have marked the face of Moscow, reflecting the complexity of culture and Russian history.Remarkable monuments, museums internationally renowned complete a stay rich in discoveries, although a walk in the streets of Moscow almost enough to justify the trip ...
That's more than 10 million people running every day in the streets of Moscow.This huge city is none other than the capital of Russia . In this city, you can see all the historical signs of Russia signs of the supremacy of the Soviet Union until its fall, signs of communism, Stalinism ...!
So if you are looking for a travel destination to reconcile with the key dates in history, Moscow necessarily satisfy you! Indeed, this city holds almost all the wealth of heritage that are concentrated there since the twelfth century. You can see through all the monuments, the inestimable value of the Kremlin fortress which includes many outstanding monuments.
To get there, it's simple, everything is centered on the main square in Moscow, namely Red Square. There, you can admire the Saint Basil's Cathedral but also the Lenin Mausoleum.
History of the Tsars and Communism are present and you bring all that history forgot to tell you. You can also tour the museum, it's very interesting!
If you get hungry, you can sit at a table and enjoy fabulous food from the rich gastronomy of Russia. Evenings in Moscow are also very lively. You can live there day and night. If you are an inveterate night owl, you'll love to tour the bars and nightclubs.
In the Russian capital, you'll find a multitude of more beautiful than the other cathedrals, are essential:
Start your day with the most famous Moscow sites: Red Square, the St. Basil's Cathedral and the Kremlin. The Kremlin is closed on Thursdays and includes many important buildings including: the Senate building, the Cathedral of the Archangel St. Michael, Cathedral of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Dormition in Moscow, the Palace of the Patriarch The Grand Kremlin Palace, the Arsenal of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses in the Kremlin, the Presidential Palace.
You can then visit the Tretyakov Gallery and the Zamoskvarechye neighborhood and Pushkin Square and the elegant Café Pushkin.
This route continues with a visit to Novodevichy Convent and its cemetery, and Gorky Park, the most popular Moscow park. Do not miss to walk the main streets such as Rue Arbat and Tverskaya Street. These are fashionable streets dotted with several prestigious stores, including cafes and restaurants.
The cost of living in Moscow is particularly high, the Russian capital is indeed one of the most expensive cities in the world. This obviously feels when booking his hotel: one quickly realizes that it will be difficult to get a good position while paying an affordable price!
Capital to excessive dimensions, the ideal will of course stay in the most central as possible ... For that, we must provide a substantial budget: Many hotels are present in the center of Moscow , the establishment in ostentatious luxury at more modest.
To see a little bit lower prices, look to book outside the center of Moscow, although it is still far from reach groups really "cheap". In addition, there sometimes loses greatly charm.
Network quality of public transport in the capital is impeccable. The Moscow metro is in itself a tourist attraction in its own right and efficiently serves the city, although complete by buses and taxis.
Hotels in Moscow are known not to be affordable, however we've found a few that you will agree with your budget:
-Maxima Slavia Hotel 44 Yaroslavskoye shosse, 129337 Moscow, Russia.
-Russian Apartments in Lianozovo 20 Zonalnaya Street, 127253 Moscow, Russia.
-3 Penguins Hostel 1.6 Petrovskiy bul'var, 107031 Moscow, Russia.
- IVAN Hostel 1 Petrovskiy Embankment, ?? scou 107031, Russia.
The most economical solution for sleep Moscow remains Hostels: even for a dorm bed, rates are higher than our French standards.
Another interesting solution, especially if it lingers a few days in town: rental apartments provide good battery room and generally prove less expensive than the hotel.
In Moscow, you'll enjoy a range of traditional dishes and delicious pelmeni with a kind of meat dumplings, blinis and to top it all the fabulous rapana, carnivorous snail.
You can accompany these delicious dishes by Kefir, pop, slightly alcoholic. A list of restaurants is offered in order to discover the Moscow gastronomy:
-Soho Rooms: 12 Savinskaya Naberejnaya, Moscow, Russia Tel: +7 495 9887444. Reservations, Late Night.
-Turandot: Tverskoy bulvar 26/5, Moscow, Russia Tel: +7 495 739-00-11.
Tinto Fino -Enotheque: Leningradsky Prospekt, 33-4, Moscow, Russia Tel: +7 495 945 9074.
Country: Russia
Economic Region: Centre
Inhabitants: Muscovite
Population: about 11,510,000 inhabitants.
Telephone code: + 7495; + 7499

Source : here .


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